Stranger Things Plot Holes That Are Stranger Than The Upside Down
There is no doubt Stranger Things is full of twists, turns, and jarring plots. The thing is, amid the finale of volume one of season four, fans of the Netflix original series are beginning to ask questions.
General curiosity has people asking why families aren't moving out of Hawkins, and who in the world manages Scoops Ahoy (because they're awful at their job). Keep reading because these questions need answers! Heads up, there are spoilers ahead.
The Manager Of Scoops Ahoy Should Be Fired

Between the free ice cream, the lake of supervision, and the insane amount of time Robin and Steve take off from working at Scoops Ahoy, the manager at the establishment should really be fired.
There is actually no talk of who owns and runs the place. So, clearly, they have no clue their only two employees are taking paid time off to research a Russian conspiracy and are using the ice cream shop as their base of operations.
What Was The Green Stuff?

One aspect of season three that seemed mildly important and yet was never mentioned again is the green stuff Steve, Dustin, Robin, and Erica found in the Russian's secret underground bunker.
There was literally an entire room full of the green substance, and yet it is never mentioned or explained!
Why A Mall?

As a base of operations, building a secret underground facility beneath a mall seems a bit silly. The chances of getting caught in such a public place are way higher than using, say, an abandoned factory or even a warehouse.
Instead, the Russian government opts for a public space with kids who like to get in the middle of pretty much everything strange that goes on in town.
Hopper Should Not Have Gotten Away With Stealing A Car

Hopper did a lot of illegal things in season three. And he's a cop! not only did he beat up the mayor of Hawkins in his own home, but he then proceeded to steal an innocent man's car in the middle of a gas station.
It leads viewers to ask how on earth did he not get in any sort of legal trouble?
Did Eleven Get A Mind Block Or Something?

While Eleven losing her powers is kind of explained in season four, it is still up for debate. Was it a strange mental block like "Papa" said, or was it something that the little piece of Mind Flayer did that scrambled her powers?
Either way, her loss of powers could have been explained a bit further.
Isn't Hopper Supposed To Be A Bad Cop?

In the first two seasons of Stranger Things, viewers are led to believe Hopper is nothing more than a lazy cop, a pretty bad one on top of that.
By the time season three rolls around, he's actually doing cop-like things and solving cases around town, namely the one having to do with the Russians and the mall. It was a very strange and very rapid change in character.
Does Hopper Not Care That Joyce Might Not Be Ready To Date?

At the end of season two, Joyce's boyfriend, Bob Newby, is killed by one of the demodogs. Only a year passes, and Hopper is now on Joyce's case about going out for dinner.
One would think he would be a little more understanding about her situation and give her some room to breathe, especially since he knows exactly what went down the night Bob died.
How Was The Mall Explosion Covered Up?

At the end of season three, the mall literally explodes! The fact that the government was able to cover up what was pretty much an act of war by saying the mall caught on fire is mind-blowing.
Better yet, the fact that no one heard the explosion and just nodded their head along with the fire explanation is even more mind-blowing.
How Do The Cops Not Catch On That A Distinct Group Of Kids Is Always Involved?

Season after season, it becomes very clear that the Hawkins police department is not all that great at their jobs.
Each season, citizens of the town either disappear or die, and they don't seem to notice that a specific group of kids is always at the center of what should be a high-priority investigation.
Doesn't The Mind Flayer Already Know Eleven?

Eleven has a bit of a habit of getting mixed up with pretty much all of the monsters that make their way to Hawkins from the Upside Down. Since the Mind Flayer was in Will during season two, someone Eleven is around quite often; it would make sense that the monster would know her.
However, in season three, the Mind Flayer says the opposite, making it seem as though he had no clue who Eleven was or that she had powers.
Since When Is Lucas A Basketball Player?

A crazy plot point that happens in the first episode of season four is Lucas on the high school basketball team and wants to be a popular kid.
Nowhere in any of the other seasons is it mentioned that he even enjoyed playing the game, let alone being good enough to win the scoring point in the championship game!
The Russian Translation Is Questionable

When Dustin intercepts the Russian code, he goes to Steve to help translate using a Russian to English dictionary. The thing is, the code is literally a voice recording on a sound clip.
How did Steve, Dustin, and Robin figure out the translation since it is most likely they don't know the Russian alphabet.
Why Doesn't Anyone Have PTSD?

Until season four, none of the kids have any form of PTSD or nightmares. One would think fighting monsters at the age of 11 would have a lasting emotional impact on a child.
However, neither Eleven, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, Nancy, Jonathan, nor Steve seems to be affected. The only one who has depression is Max, and that's only after Billy dies (she was still fine after season two!).
The Cops Not Being Able To Find Eddie

The fact that the Hawkins police cannot find Eddie is actually mind-blowing. Max gets the name of someone Eddie is associated with, Rick, and Robin gets a location all from looking through the video store rentals and matching Rick's personality to what he would potentially watch.
After figuring out that, BOOM!, they find Eddie. All of this happens within hours while the cops are mindlessly wandering around town looking for him.
Wouldn't People Think To Move Out Of Hawkins?

Considering the Upside Down has brought more than one monster into Hawkins, Indiana, and an illegal Russian operation was happening underneath the town mall, one would think the town's residents would up and move out.
Well, they don't. It is very strange, considering people keep dying. The only reason why Joyce and the kids move to California is that a secret government organization relocates them, not because people are dying!
Would Billy Have Been Involved If Not For One Incident?

In season three, the only reason Billy gets involved with the Mind Flayer is because he was on his way to have an affair with Mike's mom, Mrs. Wheeler.
So, it begs the question: would Billy still be alive if he didn't get in his car that night to go see her?
Will's Hair

Ever since the first season, poor Will Byers has had the most awful bowl cut. While all of the other kids have normal hair, especially Steve, who has a huge love for hairspray, he goes season after season with the awful cut.
Fans want to know who is cutting the poor kid's hair and why he keeps going back to them.
Can That Radio Tower Actually Reach Utah?

When Dustin gets back from summer camp in season three, he reveals that he's made a radio tower that can transmit calls from Hawkins, Indiana, to Salt Lake City, Utah. His goal is to call his girlfriend, Suzie.
The question is, how on earth was a kid able to craft such a high-powered piece of equipment, let alone one that actually works? In real life, could that tower actually cross state lines?
Eleven's Language Abilities

In season one of Stranger Things, Eleven hardly speaks at all. However, fast-forward to the season four flashbacks, and suddenly, the younger version of herself is speaking in full-blown sentences with an actual vocabulary.
It is a bit of a congruity error on the Duffer Brothers' parts and one that needs to be rectified.
The Russians Getting A Demogorgon To The Prison

The whole premise of the Upside Down is that the gate is located in Hawkins. From what viewers have seen, it is the only gate that has opened, ultimately releasing the monsters inside.
So, the question is, how did the Russian government manage to get a Demogorgon to one of their top-secret prisons? It's not like they transported the thing on an airplane!