Only 5% Of The Population Can Score 100% On This Geography Quiz—How Well Do You Know The World?
Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:
Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:
Retry Ouch, Maybe Geography Isn’t Your Subject You must excel in other areas of your life because geography is not it for you! You managed to score the lowest possible percentage on this quiz. But don’t worry, all that means is that you need to do some future traveling to sharpen your knowledge! You Didn’t Exactly Nail It You scored pretty low on this geography test, but it could just be an off day. Questions about locations and cities proved challenging for you. If you get some traveling experience in the future, these answers will start to come easier to you! You Fell A Bit Below The Average Score Even though you knew some of the answers with ease, you had a harder time with questions about locations. Maybe it’s time to sharpen your geography knowledge! You Might Need To Brush Up A Little Bit You knew about half the answers, which isn’t a bad thing! You’re ranking right around average in terms of geography knowledge. But you didn’t do poorly so don’t be discouraged, it just might be time to brush up on your world knowledge a bit. You’re Above Average! You scored better than the majority of people on this test, even though you’re not exactly a geographer. Some of the trickier questions stumped you, but overall, you nailed it! You’re A Geography Wiz! You scored well above average! It’s clear that you know your way around the world and are not afraid to flex that knowledge. Great job! You know the people, the places, and the cultures abroad.Scroll down to continue on!